Welcome . . .

Hi Girls,

Welcome to the Mom's group Bible study for 2011-2012, "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" By Joanna Weaver. Feel free to join us virtually if you can't make it one week. I have to say this group has always been a blessing to me from day one. I hope there are others who agree. I will post dates and chapter assignments as they are confirmed or changed. Jump in at anytime during the year. You are always welcome!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Chapter 5 - living room intimacy continuation

I wanted to say more about this section because the Lord put some thoughts in my heart that I didn't have time to fully express the other day, even though I talked as much and as fast as I could in the limited time we had.  Plus I wasn't feeling up to 100% Monday for some unknown reason.  That said . . .

We talked about the fruit that is produced as a result of our being part of the vine which is our connection to Christ.  HE is the vine and we are the branches right?  Probably heard that quite a few times over the years.  Have you really sat still and thought about what that means?  We being the Church and all its members and Christ, the saints, etc. Are all part of the same living whole.  We are seamlessly connected to God (if we choose to be - He will never force His will on us.) therefore we are truly connected to each other and when part of the vine is sick it affects the whole.  Or it can infect the rest of the plant.  We leave the pruning to God of course.  He is the judge of who is and isn't allowed to remain.  And as a branch of this plant, if we choose to stay healthy and connected we will eventually produce spiritual "fruit."

Now what this fruit is is individual I think and will change according to your state in life but it is a natural result of keeping attached and growing with the Lord.  Our hope should be that when our time comes to join the Father in Heaven that he will look back over our lifetime, however long or short that maybe, and see an abundance of fruit, piles of it and that he will say those words we long to hear, "Well done my good and faithful servant."

Some things to think about for the new year. Answer if you want or just think about it when you get a moment to yourself, (Ha ha as if!)

*What is some of the spiritual fruit you have seen in your life so far?  What if anything did you do to contribute to its production? 

*Have you ever had a "conversion experience" where you went from being a lukewarm Catholic going through the motions of mass etc. to a more deeply involved, step further in your faith kind of Catholic?  (and its just my opinion but those of you in class seem to me to be people who have already had this kind of conversion at some point, taking personal responsibility for your spiritual growth)

Note - I am not implying in any way shape or form that those of you who can't or don't want to come to the class have not done this.  I just know those of you who do pretty well after all these years that's all!

*What do you think the fruit that you produce now is compared to how it might look in a different stage of your life say 20 or 40 years from now? (Yes I plan on still being here God willing!)

*IF you could CHOOSE what fruit you would like God to produce in you this next year, what would it be?  Is it something you could maybe ask God to help you with as a sort of new years resolution?

I am going to post a list of suggestions on things to try this year.  Be thinking about something you have been interested in trying but were afraid to try.  I am referring to spiritual things not illegal things BTW :)  Feel free to add to the list in that post.

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