Welcome . . .

Hi Girls,

Welcome to the Mom's group Bible study for 2011-2012, "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" By Joanna Weaver. Feel free to join us virtually if you can't make it one week. I have to say this group has always been a blessing to me from day one. I hope there are others who agree. I will post dates and chapter assignments as they are confirmed or changed. Jump in at anytime during the year. You are always welcome!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chapter 2 - "Lord Don't You Care?'

The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
Deuteronomy 31:8

     I can really relate to this chapter (I have a feeling I may say that every single meeting so sorry!)  I have said those exact words on many occasions.  I still do not know why God sometimes offers instant answers to our prayers and sometimes seems to hold a deaf ear.  Of course we know that He knows our hearts inside and out and that He understands every want, need and desperation of our souls, but sometimes it seems that this isn't the case.  Sometimes time reveals the answer, sometimes it seems as though the answer may only come at the end of time.

    The only comfort I get sometimes, is that my feeble attempts at planning out my life are just that, an attempt and no matter how well-laid the plans God always knows best and He always has a much better ending to the story than we could ever create in our minds.  Faith and trust go hand in hand so don't get too bogged down in the details.  He really does care, more than you could ever imagine. Think of the person or people you love most in the world whether they are alive or in your past.  That ache you feel when you think of them?  God feels that way about you, a thousand times over.  You want the best for them right?  Why wouldn't he care about what's best for you?  His love is infinitely more constant for us than ours is for Him or for our most-loved ones. 

   **  Do you have an unanswered prayer that makes you feel as if no one is listening?  You don't have to share specifics, but feel free to if you want.

   ** Prayer requests until we meet again? ( Monday October 24th at 9:30ish)
***vote in the new poll to the right if you want.



  1. I answered Spirituality and Faith in the poll, but I was very torn between that and the centrality of the Eucharist, and also the Catechism. Great question!

  2. I would love to pass on the tradition of the Catholic church to my kids. I especially love the Rosary.

  3. I also answered the Spirituality and Faith. I was torn between a few. The most important to me is living in our faith everyday, which includes all of these things to some degree, I guess.

  4. That is me..Melissa B above. most of you do not know me as Missy. Sorry about that.
